Labels:book | desk | laptop | monitor | reckoner | vegetarianism OCR: International Trumpet Guild Journal 1976- 1999 Stephen Glover and Anne Hardin, Editors This CD is dedicated to the editors writers contributors and industry sponsors who have made the ITG Journal possible What's on this All ITG Journals published between October 1976 and May 1999 All ITG Newsletters published between October 1976 and May 1982 plus two early organizational newsletters review, Journal and indexes by issue article author, article title reviewer music 'book CD dissertation Vivace Adobe Acrobat ReaderrM plus Search software Finding Information on this CD Information un this CD can be located using the search and find tools in Adobe Acrobat Reader (see ReadMe file) The search tool examines the entire CD contents fora keyword or phrase. The find tool locates keyword or phrase wit ...